Wednesday, 14 October 2015

CIMA Certificate 2017 syllabus - what you need to know.

What are the key changes?

The major change to the Certificate syllabus is that the C01, C02, C03, C04, C05 exams will be replaced with a new exam format from 2017. 

The new format will require you to complete four exams – BA1, BA2, BA3 and BA4. 

The diagrams illustrates how the two formats compare:

As you will see C03 has been discontinued and much of the content is distributed within BA1, BA2 and BA3. 

How does this fit into the CIMA syllabus as a whole?

The new format closely relates to the recently updated 2015 professional qualification syllabus as shown in the illustration below. 

Each Certificate subject links in with the Professional Qualification pillars with the exception of BA4 which interlinks them all. 

What areas will be tested in each exam?

Here is a summary of the key topics for each of the new exams. For more detailed information on each of these areas visit 

Please note the full syllabus will be tested in the exam so it's vital students revise ALL areas of the syllabus.

What is the format of the new exam?

The new two hour objective test exams consist of 60 questions for BA1, BA2 and BA3, and 85 questions for BA4. 

The exams will be made up of narrative and numerical questions with the exception of BA4 which will be all narrative. 

For the new 2017 exams there will be some new question types including drag and drop, hot spot and item sets. Existing questions types such as multiple choice, multiple response and number entry will also be used. 

How will the results be determined and communicated?

Students will be given a provisional result at the exam centre followed by a ratified result within 48 hours. They will receive both a pass/fail grade and a scaled score. The pass mark for the exam will be communicated to students prior to the 2017 launch date. 

When does it start?

The new exam format will be implemented from January 11th 2017. The last exam you can take under the old syllabus will be January 10th 2017. 

How does this effect me?

Students should continue their studies as normal for C01, C02, C04 and C05. 

If you have completed all certificate exams with the exception of C03 then you have two options:

1. Apply for a waiver from having to take the  C03 exam. You may apply for this waiver from November 2nd 2015.  There will be a fee of £56 for those students taking this option. 

2. Alternatively you may decide to continue your studies and sit the C03 exam before January 2017.


  1. How will this affect someone looking to start more or less now? Should I aim to complete all five exams before the new syllabus is introduced. How realistic is this?

  2. Hi Sam,

    I would suggest that you aim to complete C01, C02, C04 & C05 first, leaving C03 until last just in case you do not complete the other 4 by the time 2017 comes around.
    This is because you will get a waiver for C03 if all others are completed, from 2017 onwards.

    Kind regards,


    1. Thank you Joe,

      So I am right in thinking 4 papers in the next calendar year (2016) and that is it for certificate level?

      Should I be concerned with not studying the c03 at all or I guess I can pick up on this in the later levels of CIMA?

  3. How do I apply for a waiver from having to take the C03 exam if i have, by mistake, rejected the offer in the beginning?

  4. If I have completed only some of the c exams ie c5 c2 and c4 by Jan, does this mean they will not count and I will have to start again and sit all the b exams?

  5. Hi,

    No you will not have to take any exams that you have passed again.

    The old and the new exams match up like this:
    C01 -- BA2
    CO2 -- BA3
    CO3 -- No Match
    CO4 -- BA1
    CO5 -- BA4

    Therefore any of the CO exams you have passed you will not need to take the equivalent BA exam.

    For information regarding CO3 see here:

    Kind regards,


  6. what is the new pass mark for the Certificate level in 2017. in 2016 it was 50%.

    1. Hi Precious,

      We do not have this information currently, we are waiting for CIMA to confirm.

      We hope to find out soon!

      Kind regards,

  7. Why r u always changing the syllabus I was started in 2008 and I was stop & working abroad currently according to old syllabus (That means before parliament approved)once I come back I have idea to continue
    Foundation Level 1)Financial ACC- PASS
    2)MAF - Fail
    3)BC -Pass
    4)Maths -Fail
    5)Economic- Pass

    Intermediate 1)Law -Pass
    2)MPO -Pass
    3)FA -Pass
    4)Management Account-Not Done
    5)BC - Pass
    Now from where I will continue my study..Advice me

  8. Why r u always changing the syllabus I was started in 2008 and I was stop & working abroad currently according to old syllabus (That means before parliament approved)once I come back I have idea to continue
    Foundation Level 1)Financial ACC- PASS
    2)MAF - Fail
    3)BC -Pass
    4)Maths -Fail
    5)Economic- Pass

    Intermediate 1)Law -Pass
    2)MPO -Pass
    3)FA -Pass
    4)Management Account-Not Done
    5)BC - Pass
    Now from where I will continue my study..Advice me

  9. Can I apply for the waiver after completing just 1 exam? And if I'm unable to complete the remaining 3 exams by January, does this mean that I'll have to relearn for the new syllabus and then sit for the exam?

  10. I am Angela I would like to find out how do I apply

  11. do you perhaps know the new passmark for the operation level yet?

  12. i couldn't complete my MAF exam do i have to re learn for the new syllabus and sit for the exam

  13. is it manditory that 2017 students should only use the 2017 cima text books published for study

  14. is it manditory that 2017 students should only use the 2017 cima text books published for study

  15. What is the pass mark of the 2017 new syllabus?
